Quando, il 16 dicembre 2021, è uscito il videogioco Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach, esso ha ricevuto un’accoglienza di pubblico e critica perlopiù positiva, che ha confermato il successo della serie dell’orrore Five Nights at Freddy’s (nota anche con la sigla FNaF). Tuttavia, chi forse ha potuto gioire poco per il successo del nuovo titolo è stato proprio il creatore della saga, lo sviluppatore Scott Cawthon, che nel giugno 2021 si è ritirato dal mondo dei videogiochi a seguito di attacchi e minacce ricevute online per la sola “colpa” di essere repubblicano.
Chi è Scott Cawthon
Partiamo dall’inizio. Cawthon, nato a Houston nel 1978 e tuttora residente in Texas, ha pubblicato il suo primo videogioco, Doofas, nel 1994, quando era ancora un adolescente. A partire dai primi anni 2000 ha realizzato decine di videogiochi indipendenti e cartoni animati per bambini, ma il vero successo è iniziato nel 2014, anno in cui uscirono i primi due titoli di FNaF. Qui, il protagonista è il guardiano notturno di una pizzeria, caratterizzata dalla presenza di diversi robot con le fattezze di animali. Se di giorno intrattengono i clienti, di notte gli stessi robot prendono vita e vagano per il locale come sonnambuli e, se incontrano il guardiano, lo uccidono. L’obiettivo è di riuscire a nascondersi e sopravvivere all’interno della pizzeria per cinque notti di fila.
Partendo dal basso e con risorse limitate, Cawthon è riuscito a raggiungere diversi traguardi con questa serie: con un totale di dieci titoli e tre spin-off pubblicati in soli sette anni, già nel 2015 è entrato nel “Guinness dei Primati” per il maggior numero di sequel pubblicati in un solo anno (tre). Sulla base del successo riscontrato lo stesso Cawthon ha scritto dei romanzi ispirati alla trama dei giochi. Attualmente si sta anche lavorando alla possibilità di realizzare un film.
La polemica sulle sue opinioni politiche
L’astro di Cawthon ha iniziato e calare il 10 giugno 2021, giorno in cui divenne virale su “Twitter” il registro delle sue donazioni fatte a vari candidati nel corso degli anni. A parte la democratica Tulsi Gabbard, erano tutti repubblicani: tra di loro spiccavano Devin Nunes, Ben Carson, Mitch McConnell e l’allora presidente Donald Trump. A seguito di ciò, diversi videogiocatori lo attaccarono pesantemente, specialmente quelli LGBT, che lo accusarono ingiustamente di sostenere politici omofobi e razzisti.
Difronte agli attacchi, Cawthon non ha cercato di scusarsi o di rinnegare le sue idee per compiacere il pubblico, tutt’altro. In un messaggio pubblicato sulla piattaforma “Reddit” pochi giorni dopo, affermava:
Dire che gli ultimi giorni sono stati surreali sarebbe un eufemismo. Ho discusso molto sul modo migliore per affrontare questo problema, incluso non affrontarlo affatto, ma con così tante persone della comunità LGBTQ+ nella base di fan che amo, non è un’opzione. Mi piacerebbe pensare che gli ultimi sette anni mi avrebbero dato il beneficio del dubbio riguardo a come cerco di trattare le persone, ma eccomi lì, a fare tendenza su Twitter per essere un omofobo, essere condannato, con persone che minacciano di venire sotto casa mia. Mia moglie è incinta di sei settimane e ha trascorso la notte scorsa nella paura a causa di ciò che è stato detto online. Ha già lottato con la sua gravidanza, quindi vederla così spaventata ha spaventato me a sua volta. Tutto questo perché ho esercitato il mio diritto e dovere, come cittadino americano, di votare e sostenere i candidati che ritenevo potessero governare al meglio il Paese, per tutti, ed è qualcosa di cui non mi scuserò.
A proposito di Trump, aggiungeva:
Ho sentito che era l’uomo migliore per alimentare un’economia forte e resistere ai nemici dell’America all’estero, e ce ne sono molti. Anche se c’erano candidati con cose migliori da dire alla comunità LGBT e promesse più grandi da fare, credevo che le loro posizioni su altre questioni avrebbero finito per arrecare a quella stessa comunità molti più danni che benefici.
Infine, concludeva il suo messaggio così:
Sono un repubblicano. Sono un cristiano. Sono a favore della vita. Credo in Dio. Credo anche nell’uguaglianza, nella scienza e nel buon senso. Nonostante ciò che alcuni potrebbero dire, tutte queste cose possono andare insieme. Non sono scuse o promesse di cambiare, è il modo in cui è sempre stato.
Prima ancora di questa dichiarazione, elementi cristiani (e più in generale di tipo spirituale) erano già rintracciabili nel suo lavoro: in particolare in quelli nel campo dell’animazione, realizzati soprattutto per conto dell’azienda “Hope Animation”, incentrati su tematiche cristiane. Nel 2005 uscì su “YouTube” una sua serie animata basata sul romanzo Il pellegrinaggio del cristiano, scritto nel 1678 dal predicatore inglese John Bunyan, e dalla quale trasse anche un videogioco nel 2011. Inoltre, proprio in FNaF l’elemento spirituale ha un ruolo chiave, poiché nel corso della saga viene rivelato che i robot prendevano vita poiché posseduti dai fantasmi di bambini uccisi tempo prima da un pazzo assassino.
Il ritiro
Il 17 giugno, a una settimana esatta dall’inizio delle polemiche, ha annunciato il suo ritiro dal settore dei videogiochi, ufficialmente per dedicarsi alla famiglia: “Ho avuto una carriera benedetta, appagante e ricca. Mi è stata mostrata una grande gentilezza e ho cercato di mostrare una grande gentilezza in cambio. Ho provato a fare dei buoni giochi e ho assistito alla creazione della fanbase forse più creativa e talentuosa del pianeta”. Ha aggiunto: “Mi manca creare giochi per i miei figli, mi manca farlo solo per divertimento e mi manca creare giochi di ruolo anche se mi fa schifo. Tutto questo per dire che vado in pensione”. Ha concluso che la serie non finirà, ma ne affiderà la gestione a qualcuno di fiducia.
Nonostante gli attacchi ricevuti, la maggior parte dei giocatori gli ha portato rispetto anche in questa occasione: subito dopo il suo annuncio, l’hashtag #ThankYouScott è diventato uno degli argomenti di tendenza su “Twitter” negli Stati Uniti.
Giornalista pubblicista, ha scritto per le testate Mosaico, Cultweek e Il Giornale Off. Laureato in Beni culturali (Università degli Studi di Milano) e laureato magistrale in Giornalismo, cultura editoriale e comunicazione multimediale (Università di Parma).
It’s really sad that there are some people that want to threaten you even if they don’t understand you. Also I really loved FNAF and I hope the series continues but there are like a thousand of them so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were no more.
All these people do is attack you. You can’t even reason with them. You’re supposed to know what you did wrong and apologize and change everything about yourself just so that they can be happy
He can reason with them, he just doesn’t want to. Just leave him be, he has a lot going on, this is why he is retiring because of the people like you
Scott has a right to express his opinion theres no way around it. We could say its a controversial one but he wants to stand for what he believes and not be persuaded easily by people. It’s not that hard to understand that not only scott but many people want to stick to their own opinions and thoughts. Same way ur sticking to the fact that he should have changed his belief at the time im sticking that he has the right to express himself even if you don’t agree with it. He is retiring because of the people like u that are egocentric and think that everyone has to allign them selves with what you think and if they don’t their the wrong ones. There was consequences to that and that was that he retired and you guys still don’t realize you’re mistake and continue to believe that what you did was right. All of this took a week i bet half of yall are some blue haired fucking emos that just wanted to inflict you’re pain on someone else. Your selfish act ended the career that brough joy to many teenagers and kids and now adults that wanted the franchise to continue to grow. I hope you’re happy because you’ll have to live with it for the rest of time. Fucking idiots
I can’t believe he was forced to retire all because of Jason Blum
Hello Scott Cawthon, I’m a 9 year old FNAF fan and I’m doing this for my cousin, He’s a 12 year old FNAF faaaaaaaaan, and sence he’s overly obsessed with it I hope he will find my message 🥲 I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo expired bye your work and I really really really really wish you weren’t retiring, and I bet all the FNAF animatronics do to… remember back in the days when you first created FNAF, lets have a flashback… everyone is having so much fun playing security breach, everyone finally survived the nights and then one of them asks,”hey😐 do you guys 🤔 miss the old games back then😬… REALIZES😳… everyone realizes back when you first
made FNAF,”😱 😔 😥 🫨 The Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria, The missing children incident, The bite of 87, The bite of 83, The springlock failure, just think about all the things you did for us🥺 what ever happened to phone guy? Did the animatronics team up on him? whatever happened, it was a fun scene, thanks to Scott Cawthon, Thank you for everything🥹☄️🔥🐻🐰🐤🦊🫶🫵🥶😇🩵
I am also a big fan I saw the movie I played all the games to
aw shut up
i know, Scott seems like a good person from what I’ve heard and him and his wife do not deserve this hate.
I have always been a huge fan and had lots of fun on his games though never got scared from the lore or the jumpscares, but knowing Scott Cawthon is retiring crushes my spirit and I wish him and his family a long, happy and safe life. I will always support Scott Cawthon though no matter what five nights at freddys will never be the same without him.
I hope he does too because he never deserved this
I have always been a huge fan and had lots of fun on his games though never got scared from the lore or the jumpscares, but knowing Scott Cawthon is retiring crushes my spirit and I wish him and his family a long, happy and safe life. I will always support Scott Cawthon though no matter what five nights at freddys will never be the same without him.
But the series will never be the same, Scott Cawthon made so much story and lore that most people don’t understand, whoever takes over will probably make FNaF kid friendly, which it’s not supposed to be. I wish he could still be in the industry. Lots of praise for Scott, I hope you find a gaming job who accepts you. :)
🫶Thank 🫶 🫵you🫵 🎉for🎉
🌎everything🌎 🚷Scott Cawthon🩵🥹😇
Fuck you man, this game dev did more than you probably ever could. Give him a break
alright i am going to say this now i know people who have actually met scott and one of thems name is dawko so i will say this from what he told me he is a good person and people who hated on him because he voted for someone that is right for the government doesn’t mean an entire community of people should attack him hell he even released a youtube video that say’d that people were going to go to his house and kill his entire family just to suffer suffer i have been playing since fnaf one my oc is a foxy model that i personally created and well at this rate i believe that people in this world are going insane and only want to hear what they want to hear its just wrong i know this and i am 15 years old.
So a lot of the hate came from his political views or all of it? My kids have been playing his games for years and I never looked into why he retired…
well I did
Fnaf is my whole childhood it breaks my heart when he retired.
he didn’t have a choice
I hate Jason Blum cause he did this to Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why does he have to retire steel wool replaced the most beloved characters and scott is the best game creator out of the main game creators
He doesn’t need anymore people trying to attacking him. He can be whatever he wants, and for the people that attacked him for being a Republican support, that makes no sense whatsoever, people can vote for whoever they want just leave them be, and he wasn’t trying to be homophonic. You guys are scaring them, probably making them suffer for what he did( which he did nothing wrong) you people are just the worst ever, attacking, targetting people, especially if they’re a famous video game developer. It’s not roght to do that stuff
I hope scott will be okay. Its horrible that some people would act like that
I hope all of the sadness ends and the ruin DLC comes out
I really hope he’s at least happy, and those horrible people stop bothering him. And if they do, I’ll turn into Dee-Dee and summon every animatronic in FNaF history to jumpscare them into leaving him alone! Also, what’s your favorite animatronic and why?
Nathan Greppi, I have nothing agains Jews and I respect them. At the same time, I’m going to donate vast amounts of my money to the Society Dedicated to eradicating those bloodthirsty Jews…especially those from the Italian Union.
But remember, I have nothing against Jews. So I’m not anti semetic, because I said I’m not. See? So why are all these Jewish people threatening me?!
That’s what this article sounded like.
Get a life, dude. I don’t care if this is a satire joke or not, but the fact you’re bringing Jews into an article about Scott. What did the Jews do to you, damnit???
That is horible. But I just want to say he is making a movie with a lot of other people.
This just goes to show, people suck, they just do what they want with no consequence. It’s horrible, all of this because a few LGBTQ people just make wrong assumptions. This is not to say LGBTQ People suck, this is to say that the people who said wrong things about him should shut up, do research, and get a God dang life. it’s just sooooo wrong. :(
I agree. it just breaks my heart personally and physically that we wont see him anymore with all these games even though the jump scares did get me a lot and I mean A LOT but people forcing him to quit is the most FUCKED UP SHIT IVE EVER SEEN for him being republican is shit and makes my brain go “Hey Guess what? Time for complete DOOM Mode and your goal is to find those people and shoot them to bits” Ya’Know?
I really am sad that people can be this evil in the world to threaten others because they want to he did nothing wrong and it gets me angry as someone living in Houston to learn that someone from my state and religion is threatened for being a man of ingenuity and creativeness.
Why do people have to be so rude and refuse to let things go until they get what they want? Scott Cawthon is a great man and is innocent. People shouldn’t have threatened him just because he is who he is. I am going to miss the FNAF and I don’t blame Scott one bit. Thank you Scott Cawthon, for bringing FNAF into the world and my world. You are one of the coolest people ever to me.
I’m not even a Republican, and I definitely don’t like Trump, but getting cancelled over something as simple your political affiliations is just absolutely ridiculous. Just shows that you really shouldn’t take anything on Twitter seriously.
Y’know…what’s funny is that, the people who attacked him have NO regrets at all. They have laughed about it and called it “a phase.” Man, people like them don’t deserve to be privileged. I may not be into politics and all that jazz, but Scott should be able to have an opinion. The fact people are THREATENING over who should lead the fucking country is just boneheaded. I mean, DOXXING AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS OVER POLITICS??? What the fuck??? Overall, I hope he’s able to recover from this stupidity, and I hope he’s able to spend time with his family.
I love scott
the person who did this should die
I hope Jason Blum goes to hell