machiavelli talks

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IN WHIRLWIND AND STORM. Israel between war and political stalemate

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Notwithstanding the fourth election in just two years, Israel is still struggling to form a new government supported by a sound majority in the Knesset. As rounds of talks among parties go on, in the meantime a new violent escalation of conflict with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad has erupted. What's next for Israel?

The New Social Structure of Western Politics

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Ep. 2 of “Machiavelli Talks” with author Thibault Muzergues, Europe Program Director at the International Republican Institute. Host: Daniele Scalea

HUNGARY SETS ITS BOUNDARIES from immigration to gender propaganda

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WithViktor Orbán, Hungary has frequently assumed staunch stances: on immigration, on national sovereignty, on gender theory. All this attracted a lot of criticism against Budapest. In that installment the Hungarian views are explained by Dr. BALÁZS ORBÁN.

Immigration and Civil Rights: The Double Revolution

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Mass immigration is changing the face of Europe just as the civil rights movement has changed how the US constitutional system works. A profound revolution is underway in the Western world and we can learn a lot about it from two books by Christopher Caldwell.