Armed Milan. Gangs, baby-gangs, robberies and degradation: this is how Milan has become the capital of crime. is Machiavelli's Dossier No. 30, by Giovanni Giacalone.




milano a mano armata dossier

The cover

    • Milan is first in the index-crime compiled by "Sole 24 Ore" in 2017, 2018, 2019 and is believed to have been so in 2020.
    • The situation will degenerate further in 2021, both because of the effects of the lockdown (which have aggravated many socio-economic situations) and because of the increase in immigration flows. The review of the news events of the first 5 months of the year seems to confirm this prediction.
    • An important role in the city's criminality is played by the maras or pandillas, delinquent groups made up of Latin American immigrants and often with connections to criminal organizations of the same name in their countries of origin and in the USA.
    • Also of concern is the phenomenon of the so-called "baby-gangs", composed at least in part by minors and responsible for theft, robbery and aggression. They are born in degraded suburbs and are generally composed of young immigrants or children of immigrants.
    • The phenomenon of assaults and robberies is particularly felt in the area of the Central Station, which has also become a place of drug dealing, but now overflows into other central areas of Milan.



Dossier 30 - Milano a mano armata

Researcher of Centro Studi Politici e Strategici Machiavelli. Graduated in Sociology (University of Bologna), Master in "Islamic Studies" (Trinity Saint David University of Wales), specialization in "Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism" (International Counter-Terrorism Institute of Herzliya, Israel). He is senior analyst for the British Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism-ITCT, theItalian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues and Managing Emergencies (Catholic University of Milan) and the Kedisa-Center for International Strategic Analysis. Lecturer for security managerlaw enforcement and post-degree courses, he has been coordinator for Italy of the European project Globsec. “From criminals to terrorists and back” and is co-founder of Sec-Ter- Security and Terrorism Observation and Analysis Group.