by Daniele Scalea

Dear Reader,

I hope this Christmas is announcing itself for you full of serenity and family affection.

Unfortunately, the clouds on the historical horizon are full of storms. We live in an age filled with threats. You will not have missed the danger looming over individual freedom, over welfare, over family and over tradition.. The combination of "pandemic plus ideology of political correctness" threatens to be fatal to our democracy and pave the way for a new era of totalitarianism.

Fortunately, every moment of crisis is also a moment of opportunity. The great turbulence we are experiencing could sweep us away, or sweep away the clouds and give us a sky that is finally clear. For the outcome to be positive, however, is needed the commitment of all people like you: of good will and right principles.

The mission of the Machiavelli Study Center is more fundamental today than ever before. With every article, dossier, book, lecture, live broadcast or podcast we advance the cause of a sovereignist, conservative and patriotic Right. Individual freedom, national identity, popular sovereignty, preservation of traditions, strengthening of the middle class, defense of the interests of workers and all producers.

In 2022 we will be working on these points in particular:

  • Countering the "lockdownist" and illiberal tendency that is taking hold in the country
  • Preparing the Center-Right for the upcoming electoral challenges: in particular, the election of the President of the Republic and the general elections that will come within the first half of 2023. We will also do this by prodding political representatives not to abandon a consistent patriotic and conservative line
  • Studying "politically correct" ideology, to expose how it is taking over society and develop the necessary antibodies
  • Building ties and synergies with conservatives of other nations, because the threat is common and therefore unitary must be the response.

Do you agree with the priorities we have identified?

Thanks to our readers, we can publish daily articles of information and commentary, disseminate in-depth and positioning reports among policy makers, produce videos and podcasts , gather national and international conferences, print books, debate the most pressing issues and pave the way for future national leadership.
Help us continue to do this in the new year. This year add a gift for the Machiavelli Study Center and the cause that unites us.

Donate now and help us reach our goal of raising 10 thousand euros by the end of the year through this secure link:

Ten thousand euros will allow us to produce, publish and spread among policy makers at least 20 reports; to update daily the blog with which we inform public opinion; to produce weekly videos and podcasts; to organize 1 or more international conferences; to hold a major annual event.

If you appreciate what we do, now is the time to make us feel your support!

P.S.: Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies is a recognized association of social promotion (non-profit). Donations are deductible according to current tax regulations.

Founder and President of Centro Studi Machiavelli. A graduate in History (University of Milan) and Ph.D. in Political Studies (Sapienza University), he teaches “History and Doctrine of Jihadism” at Marconi University and “Geopolitics of the Middle East” at Cusano University, where he has also taught on Islamic extremism in the past.

From 2018 to 2019, he served as Special Advisor on Immigration and Terrorism to Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Guglielmo Picchi; he later served as head of the technical secretariat of the President of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Central European Initiative (CEI).

Author of several books, including Immigration: the reasons of populists, which has also been translated into Hungarian.