by Emanuele Mastrangelo

As timely as taxes, yet another prediction by the "conspiracy theorists" turned out to be correct: Italy will lead the way and serve as a test case in Europe for the introduction of a social credit system, where citizens will be rewarded for their "good behavior."

Naturally - following the boiled frog approach - this system will be introduced slowly. At first it will be reward mechanisms, as they say with horrid understatement of Pavlovian recompense mechanics: good doggie, keep the kibble.

Citizen wallets in Rome and Bologna

Bologna and Rome are in the process of rolling out "citizen wallets." In 99% of cases if there is a name in English, there is a fraud. In fact, these social credit systems are offered as a kind of "points card" similar to the one in supermarkets: you accumulate stamps, at the end of the collection you get the dish set or the toaster. In the "citizen wallet" system, on the other hand, municipalities reward their subjects who behave "virtuously" according to the pro tempore morality of the moment. In this case, now the watchword is "green" (another English word, another scam), so behaviors of citizens considered in line with Greta's environmentalism will be rewarded by the powers-that-be (with discounts and deals in large-scale retail chains).

In principle, what would be wrong with that? Recycling, the average man on the street thinks, is not a bad thing: it is fair to reward those who recycle the most. The main argument for this program is to "save resources" and promote "climate-friendly" behavior. Regardless of the fact that climate issues as posed by the mainstream media are quite contestable, if one gets into the method and not the substance one has to wonder why, in the middle of 2022, with a fourth industrial revolution underway (that of artificial intelligence), it is still mandatory for a citizen to perform a real ordeal such as sorting: an unnecessary, wasteful, anti-ecological chore (according to those who thought of it, washing a can of tuna at home before delivering it to the appropriate bucket is "ecology"), a source of penalties, and ultimately useless since most of the sorting obtainable at home requires a second step in treatment plants. We might as well return immediately to undifferentiated collection - quick and prompt, with no piles of garbage on the streets or bags left to season in condominium yards waiting for the right collection day - by investing in technologies that can sort downstream, quickly and without error.

Reward and submission

But "waste sorting" is now a totem. Children are being trained as early as elementary school to differentiate; never mind if they do not learn their math or grammar well. From the point of view of social engineering, imposing a useless behavior that one must mechanically obey is a system of submission. Military instructors, prison guards, airport security officers know this well. If we add to this a system of "rewards," we obtain a further result: we force the subject to obey, and in addition we employ his obedience to implement Pavlovian systems of conditioning. And then even more: once these conditioning systems have been made compulsory (there is little point in the Bologna councillor for Digital Agenda talks that the system will not be compulsory: it will become so when it is deemed mature), they can become the key to conditioning the subject's access to those goods, services and freedoms that were previously part of his wealth as a citizen.

Scusaci Milite Ignoto. Rifaremo l'Italia, anche per Te
From "rights" to "terms & conditions"

At the moment, neither Rome nor Bologna provides access to these reward "wallets" with digital ID. But digital ID will become increasingly pervasive. Already, our government is extending it to minors - who will then be able to be "turned off" at the click of a button like their parents - while other European countries such as Austria and Germany are moving by leaps and bounds toward making them mandatory. Von der Leyen's EU regime hopes to extend it to the entire European population and make it conditional on possession of a digital ID to access the Internet.

The pincer attack on citizens' freedom conducted by these systems together with the implementation of digital ID will lead to the extension of the "Microsoft model" (Gates' great invention that changed the computing landscape) to what were once constitutional rights. Exactly in the same way that software or a cell phone, even if they are purchased in hard currency by a user, cannot be used without accepting "terms&conditions" from their manufacturer (who remains the owner and reserves the right to change terms&conditions without notice and unilaterally), former constitutional rights will also be subjected to the same mechanism: terms&conditions will become extra-constitutional systems decided by the pro-tempore power according to the wishes of the globalist agenda to distribute or restrict what were once rights established by law.

The experience of the so-called "covid emergency" has shown that it is possible to impose limitations on constitutional rights by decree, completely disrupting the hierarchy of legal sources. There is little point in judicial recourse, at the moment when a regime succeeds in the meantime in imposing a mechanism such as the green pass by which failure to adhere to the government's wishes transforms the former citizen into a Fu Mattia Pascal deprived of the most basic rights he owned until a few days before. Even assuming that the citizen succeeds in asserting his good right in the courts, he will find himself in the very uncomfortable position of being " switchable with a click." And he will remain "off" until the proverbial judge in Berlin grants his petition, if any. If there is such judge.

In other words, you start with the kibble granted for rinsing the tuna can well; you end up hostage to systems that subordinate former constitutional rights to the agenda of the moment. Over which, it should be remembered, none of us has decision-making power through voting...

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Editor of the Centro Studi Machiavelli “Belfablog,” Emanuele Mastrangelo is editor-in-chief of “CulturaIdentità” and has been editor-in-chief of “Storia in Rete” since 2006. A military-historical cartographer, he is the author of several books (with Enrico Petrucci, Iconoclastia. La pazzia contagiosa della cancel culture che sta distruggendo la nostra storia e Wikipedia. L'enciclopedia libera e l'egemonia dell'informazione).