"Either there is a diplomatic solution, with a settlement that seeks justice and mutual satisfaction between the two disputants, or there are the Carthaginian solutions. No one, I hope, seeks the latter, also because it is not even practicable." This was said by Emanuele Mastrangelo as a guest on “Che idea ti sei fatto?”, Byoblu's in-depth broadcast on Wednesday, Oct. 11, dedicated to the clash between Hamas and Israel.

"An oil crisis like the one in 1973 could be around the corner. A truce, I don't say a pacification, because too much blood has flowed in these two days, could deflect the risk of a new economic shock that would be disastrous for the middle and lower classes of Europe, even if the European leadership seems almost to be looking for it," Mastrangelo continues. "I therefore welcome the news that our government is actively acting through diplomatic channels, thus marking a clear discontinuity from the warmongering attitude of the Draghi government when the Ukrainian crisis began."

Watch the full broadcast "Che idea ti sei fatto?" from Oct. 11, 2023

Redattore del blog del Centro Studi Machiavelli "Belfablog", Emanuele Mastrangelo è stato redattore capo di "Storia in Rete" dal 2006. Cartografo storico-militare, è autore di vari libri (con Enrico Petrucci, Iconoclastia. La pazzia contagiosa dellacancel cultureche sta distruggendo la nostra storia and Wikipedia. L'enciclopedia libera e l'egemonia dell'informazione).