Gli Ucraini sono riusciti a resistere all’offensiva russa principalmente per la capacità di attivare meccanismi di comando e controllo decentralizzati e di avvalersi di tecnologia commercial-off-the-shelf.

L’intervento del Generale Nicola Lanza De Cristoforis, Vice-Comandante Operativo di Vertice Interforze, al Convegno Machiavelli Difesa 2023.

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nicola lanza de cristoforis

Aerial Squadron General, he is the Deputy Joint Operations Commander (COVI).

As a pilot, he took part in the 1990-91 "Desert Storm" campaign and, as a group commander in the 6th Wing, in operations in the Balkans. Prior to his assignment at COVI, he commanded COFS, COI, the 1st Air Region in Milan, Combat Forces Command, the 1st Air Force Staff Department, the 6th Wing at Ghedi, and the Pozzuoli Air Force Academy.

He holds a degree in Aeronautical Sciences from the University of Naples "Federico II" and is a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic.