Trump’s America: A Report from the CPAC
Washington DC – February 21-25, 2024

In the opulent surroundings of the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, we participated in CPAC 2024, the largest conservative gathering in the United States, where political leaders, activists, and academics convened to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the American and global conservative movement.

Among the diverse array of voices and perspectives, the Machiavelli Center was represented by us, Lorenzo Bernasconi and Alice Carrazza, who nurtured and solidified relationships within the conservative political community. This experience provided us with an up-close analysis of American political dynamics and the communication strategies employed by leaders to engage their support base. In a continually evolving political landscape, CPAC afforded us a privileged insight into contemporary American politics..

The Triumph of Trumpism at CPAC 2024

CPAC 2024 transcended being a mere gathering for MAGA faithful. It celebrated the return of Donald Trump to the political stage while also gauging support for potential vice-presidential candidates and, consequently, their loyalty to the leader. As contenders took to the stage, each showcased reverence for the former president in unique ways. Notable figures included South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, New York Representative Elise Stefanik, Florida Representatives Matt Gaetz and Byron Donalds, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, and Kari Lake, a Senate candidate from Arizona. The latter’s declaration of adoration for strong men resonated strongly with the audience, echoing sentiments of a desire for decisive leadership,“We’re tired of the beta men,” she said, “and we got a No. 1 alpha man in Donald J. Trump”. Overall, speakers expressed loyalty to Trump and harshly criticized the Biden administration’s policies on immigration, the economy, healthcare, and national security.

Beyond politicians, CPAC 2024 also hosted various pundits, media personalities, and former White House strategist Steve Bannon, particularly acclaimed among European audiences in the convention halls. They echoed Trump’s claims of election fraud in 2020 and denounced mainstream media censorship and misinformation.

A salire sul palco e a ricevere il calore del pubblico, ci sono stati poi anche diversi leader conservatori europei e non.

Santiago Abascal, the leader of VOX, championed a “culture of values” and “principles,” denouncing socialism and globalism as forces “reign against the people”. He defended European farmers compelled to endure “the suicidal impositions of the 2030 Agenda, the European Green Deal, and all policies aimed at destroying the prosperity and wealth of nations”. The British Nigel Farage, an engaging and overwhelming speaker. “Since my last visit to CPAC I’ve been engaged in a new fight, a new battle and it’s one that we all need to be aware of. We know that the rampaging wokeist culture is keen on cancelling people and that includes our banking system”, with this opening he broke the ice by recounting his banking history first eliciting a smile from the audience and then focusing on the more important issues. “I’m the first populist”, he shouted loudly, opposing “the Biden regime” and claiming that “on the 9th June this year we’re going to see many many more people coming in that wants to fight the globalist agenda” during the European elections. “A possibility of World War III looks real” he added, which is why he concluded, “let’s get this man back to the White House and let’s back the common sense back into the Western World!”.

Another non-American speaker who drew attention was Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and a member of the Brazilian Congress. “We are not here to talk about left or right; we are here to talk about freedom” he declared loudly. “Brazil is a Christian country, a conservative country, a country that loves freedom. […] We are here to tell the world that Brazil is with Trump, that Brazil is with freedom, that Brazil is with democracy” he stated.

In conclusion, we witnessed a true litmus test and launching pad for Republican contenders and conservative leaders, reaffirming the strength and unity of Trumpism at the center stage. leader conservatori, che ha riportato la forza e l’unità del trumpismo al centro della scena.

Analysis of Trump’s Speech

The highlight of CPAC 2024 undoubtedly was Trump’s speech. Ninety minutes of impactful rhetoric, exaggerated gestures, and carefully chosen words tailored to incite the American audience. While unfamiliar to Italian and European sensibilities, it was a high-intensity political performance, aptly coined “politainment” for the American audience, touching on all the themes dear to the MAGA community.

ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR. Analysis and commentary

His supporters, both inside and outside the venue, were electrified. With unparalleled mastery, Donald J. Trump delivered a speech perfectly aligned with American communication manuals, captivating the audience. It wasn’t Trump’s show; Trump was the show.

His words weren’t mere rhetoric but powerful slogans aimed at capturing attention, emotion, and mobilization. Declaring, “They’ll soon have us losing World War III” he painted a dire picture of a nation teetering on the brink, with himself as the sole bulwark against inevitable ruin. A statement that struck deep, stoking flames of anguish and the need for a salvific leader.

But he didn’t stop there. Trump skillfully wove a narrative of victimization, portraying himself as a lone hero against a corrupt system and adversaries seeking to silence him. “We have to break out of the nightmare that we’re in” he exclaimed, once again positioning himself as an outsider and anti-establishment figure, self-proclaimed as “a proud political dissident”.

Then came the note of patriotism, resonating with indomitable force. Trump presented himself as America’s champion, ready to secure borders, protect resources, and lead the country to renewed greatness. “And we have it in the grasp to make America richer and safer and stronger and prouder and more beautiful than ever before” he proclaimed with contagious passion, fueling the flames of nationalism in the hearts of his followers.

As his words reverberated through the packed hall of chanting “Viva Trump, viva Trump, viva Trump!” a truth emerged through the tumult: Trump knows his audience perfectly. Like a virtuoso musician, he knows exactly which strings to pluck to stir the souls of his supporters and captivate them with his unconventional charisma.

As Alain de Benoist wrote in “The Problem of Democracy”:

Contrary to what is all too often claimed, voters do not wish the men they have elected to be in their image. Voters love greatness and are capable of recognizing it. They love courage, even when they personally lack it[1]

Trump embodies this vision, waving the flag of greatness, determination, and patriotism before his captivated audience.

Trump’s speech at CPAC 2024 wasn’t just an eloquent display of political rhetoric; it was an epic narrative of struggle, hope, and the American dream, woven into a singular, powerful voice staggering in its voracity. And in that moment, amidst the thunderous applause and the blinding spotlight, Trump once again proved himself the supreme commander of the American political stage, an indomitable entity capable of bending the masses to his will with the sheer power of his words.

[1] De Benoist, 2011, p. 45, The problem of democracy. Arktos Media



alice carrazza

Communication manager of the Centro Studi Machiavelli. A graduate in International Relations, she is currently pursuing a second degree in Political Science, International Security and Public Communication.

Research Fellow at the Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies, formerly worked as a consultant at European Parliament, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Chamber of Deputies and Ministry of Economic Development. M.A. in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Milan.