by Daniele Scalea

Gender theory on the offensive against nature and society

Gender theory is one of the core elements of the ideological complex known as wokeism. This thesis, which completely separates sex (biological) and gender (social construct), denies or minimizes the natural distinction between men and women, which is inherent in a gonochoric species such as humans.

Scientific studies show how physiological differences between the sexes lead to behavioral differences: in other words, biology influences the way society comes to form and regulate itself. For example, males, who are physically stronger, will tend to occupy those jobs that value physical strength, while roles that involve a caring function will be a natural domain of females, who are instinctively inclined to the maternal role. Similarly, by virtue of the different degree of attention to things rather than to people, predominantly men will be mechanics and primarily women will be in charge of communication or managing the welfare of others.

Genderism reverses this relationship. It believes that reality is essentially subjective, perception, and is therefore constructed in social relationship. Society “invents” biological differences and performatively imposes roles and habits on its members.

This doctrine, demonstrably false, by inventing a “gender” entirely detached from physical data, attacks a relationship – that between man and woman – which has regulated the functioning of society since the dawn of humanity, starting with its fundamental cornerstone: the family. To put it bluntly, gender theory creates dysfunctional males and females, unsuited for forming a fertile and stable family.

Despite the widespread belief that gender has “nothing to do with the old (true) communists,” it can only be understood by framing it within the Marxist purpose of dismantling our civilization and rebuilding it on new dystopian foundations.

Marx, Engels and their attack on the family

Although much has changed since Marx’s time, the fundamental goal of dismantling Western civilization, seen as the main obstacle to creating a new communist society, has remained constant among his followers. The attack on the family is a key component of this broader assault.

Although Marx and Engels were less explicit than Fourier or Owen in their attacks on the family, their writings make it clear that they considered it a product of economic alienation. They believed that in the state of nature, there existed a fluid society without families, where every man had sexual access to every woman, and vice versa. The family, in their view, was constructed to enable the transmission of property from father to son. In his Theses on Feuerbach, Marx explicitly stated that "the earthly family must be destroyed theoretically and practically." Marx and Engels proposed the communal education of children from a very young age and the abolition of inheritance (which, in their eyes as economicists, was the ultimate raison d'être of the family). With children and property out of the way, the relationship between men and women, stripped of any legal significance, would become a mere relationship of sex and love, destined to fade with the waning of physical passion or the changing of feelings.

Gay, ambientalista, pro-immigrazione: Superman è Zan coi superpoteri
Marxism and feminism

Although not all feminists have been Marxists, Marxism has been highly influential and has largely guided the trajectory of feminism.

The second wave linked female emancipation to the overcoming of capitalism, which was seen as inherently patriarchal. In this context, the theory of heterosexuality as unnatural but normative was developed by authors such as Adrienne Rich. Sheila Jeffreys proposed that since heterosexuality mirrors the patriarchal paradigm of difference, homosexuality should be promoted. Homosexuality thus became a political act to be promoted and disseminated. With Judith Butler, we have arrived at the denial of biological sex and the invention of gender as a mere identity constructed socially.

It may seem paradoxical that the ultimate outcome of feminism is the abolition of women, as can be seen in the world envisioned by transgenderism. This contradiction is only apparent if we frame it within the Marxist dialectic. (Trans-)Feminism culminates in the abolition of genders just as the dictatorship of the proletariat was supposed to culminate in the abolition of classes. Women, like the proletariat, are simply dialectical means to achieve the final synthesis, namely, realized communism. Thesis-antithesis-synthesis...

Gender and revolution

Many conservatives still think that gender ideology is unrelated to Marxism. In doing so, they fail to frame it properly and cannot perceive the real scope of the attack against our society. Gender is not a mere weirdness produced by an academic bubble, no matter how much it looks like one, but is a pivotal element in a multi-secular struggle to wipe out Western traditions, make a clean slate of our civilization, and build a “new world.” The fact that the “communist” society envisioned by a Judith Butler may differ in many respects from the one Marx or Lenin had in mind is a lesser consideration, for us who care about conserving the existing, if possible improving it but certainly not annihilating it.

Founder and President of Centro Studi Machiavelli. A graduate in History (University of Milan) and Ph.D. in Political Studies (Sapienza University), he teaches “History and Doctrine of Jihadism” at Marconi University and “Geopolitics of the Middle East” at Cusano University, where he has also taught on Islamic extremism in the past.

From 2018 to 2019, he served as Special Advisor on Immigration and Terrorism to Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Guglielmo Picchi; he later served as head of the technical secretariat of the President of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Central European Initiative (CEI).

Author of several books, including Immigration: the reasons of populists, which has also been translated into Hungarian.