by Elisa Boscarol

Many are saying that that of "transgender medicine" is one of the biggest medical scandals of our time. We are talking about treatments, now called "gender affirming care", that involve hormonal and surgical alteration of the body to match the self-perception of the mind.

In the dominant narrative, puberty-blocking drugs, opposite-sex hormones and demolitive and/or reconstructive surgeries are considered life-saving therapies for people suffering from gender dysphoria, who in the absence of these treatments would commit suicide.

Emblematic is the recent ministerial inspection against Careggi Hospital in Florence, where for years dysphoric minors have been given the puberty-blocking drug tryptorelin. It is in fact since 2019 that AIFA has authorized - at the expense of the national health service - the off-label use of triptorelin for children and adolescents who declare themselves transgender. The criteria, according to AIFA, should be stringent, however: a diagnosis of gender dysphoria according to the DSM-5 would be required, a diagnosis that would have to be confirmed by a "multidisciplinary and specialized team, composed of specialist in childhood and adolescent neuropsychiatry, pediatric endocrinology, developmental psychology and bioethics."

At Careggi, however, this is not the case: the department's own doctors, endocrinologist Alessandra Fisher and psychologist-psychotherapist Jiska Ristori, say they do not even practice psychotherapy before administering blockers to young patients. The rationale is very clear, and comes straight out of Dr. Ristori's mouth: "Exactly as it happens in cisgender people who are not required to have psychotherapy to define their gender identity, this is also true for trans people."

There is nothing to be surprised about such statements, which are moreover also shared by the Italian Society of Pediatrics, according to which any form of psychotherapy aimed at investigating the causes of declared dysphoria is to be considered a "gatekeeping" intervention that denies transgender people their right to self-determination, and therefore "to all intents and purposes a form of transphobia."

It is important at this point to understand that the Careggi doctors and the Italian Society of Pediatrics are merely following what are international guidelines for the care of people who declare themselves transgender. These guidelines, endorsed by the WHO and by virtually all international medical associations (the American Psychological Association at the forefront), provide for the adoption of the affirmative approach, which in essence consists of the unconditional validation of the identity declared by the individual, who, regardless of age, consequently is simply to be accompanied and indulged in any request for body modification. These guidelines are established by the world's foremost authority on transgender health, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

The WPATH Files

Although the matter has been all but ignored by the mainstream media in our country, WPATH has recently been at the center of a huge scandal, which erupted after the publication of conversations between members of the association. We are talking about internal communications, recordings of meetings on Zoom, chats and other conversations between doctors, psychotherapists, surgeons and WPATH activists, made public thanks to journalist Michael Shellenberger, founder and president of the nonprofit organization Environmental Progress.

The documents, edited and analyzed by researcher Mia Hughes, were published under the name "WPATH files. Pseudoscientific Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children, Adolescents and Vulnerable Adults." In fact, so-called gender medicine consists of just that: nothing but experimental, demolishing, invasive and unethical treatments performed on the most vulnerable individuals: minors and people with severe mental disorders. And WPATH doctors know this perfectly well.

Londra: l'Alta Corte frena sul cambio di sesso per i bambini
The chimera of informed consent: risks, complications, and infertility

As Centro Studi Machiavelli has already pointed out in this article on the WPATH scandal, the association's members act in full awareness of the risks, side effects and complications of the hormonal and surgical treatments they administer, complications ranging from severe pelvic floor dysfunction to the development of severe forms of liver cancer. The files also make no secret of the increased risks of heart attack and thrombosis, as well as the horrendous complications caused by genital surgeries, such as phalloplasty (by which a fake penis is created by removing tissue from the forearm or thigh) and vaginoplasty (by which a fake vagina is created by folding the penis inward to make a cavity that will have to be dilated for life).


The loss of fertility, especially for patients who have taken puberty blockers, is also well known to "gender medicine" experts, who in this regard acknowledge that under these conditions true informed consent is not possible, either from the kids or from their parents. This is argued in the leaked documents by psychologist Dianne Berg, who admits that parents sign consent for treatments whose extent they do not understand at all. Jamison Green, former WPATH president and FTM transactivist, also admits that patients often sign consent forms without reading them, and the same happens with details of the surgeries they undergo.

Endocrinologist Daniel Metzger confirms his patients' abysmal ignorance of biology and especially fertility preservation: when confronted with the issue of possible loss of fertility, children and young people downplay the issue by hastily stating that they do not want children or that in case they adopt, as if a child could be obtained with a snap of the fingers. Metzger also talks about those young patients who regret the loss of fertility, adding, "I don't think that surprises us." In this regard, he cites a Dutch study whose results were presented in preliminary stages at the international WPATH symposium held in Montreal in 2022. This study, the first to be conducted long-term on young people undergoing puberty suppression, found that 27 percent of these young people, now in their 30s, regret having sacrificed their fertility, a percentage that those working in the field say would appear to be an underestimate. [1 - ongoing]

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Elisa Boscarol is a popularizer, an expert on the "gender" phenomenon and founder of the channel The New World 2.0.