by Emanuele Mastrangelo and Enrico Petrucci

Botanical decolonization

The International Botanical Congress has carried out a “mass decolonization” of the scientific names of plants. Operation that in fact sounds rather circle-jerk: via caffra, from the Arabic kafir, disbeliever, which in the variant kaffir is also used as a racist epithet. It was among the first terms banned in South Africa by the Promotion of Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (among the terms outlawed over the years were “coolie” and “octogenarian”). In scientific names caffra will be replaced by affra, again denoting the plant's African origin.

The botanical one represents the first success of these campaigns, but recall that the beetle Anophthalmus hitleri still has “that” name, or the debate over dinosaur names we reported on in Bulletin No. 2

Instagram against firearms. Even the Olympic ones...

While Elon Musk announces the return of the gunemoji, replaced in the various socials by more or less ridiculous politically correct toys, Istagram is being more catholic than the Pope, and blocking the social profile of Paralympic champion McKenna Geer. In fact, the shooting champion had her account temporarily blacked out for some posts deemed “contrary” to the platform's anti-gun policy. The uproar sparked by yet another act of censorship forced the platform to take a quick retro-front.

Germany: “Mistake” a trans pronoun? Fine of 10,000 euros

There is debate in Germany over the entry into force of the new “gender self-determination” law, which allows the change of name and registry sex as a simple administrative act. Overwhelmingly, however, the law, after effectively introducing neutral pronouns such as "xier" and "dey" into the German language, provides for fines of up to €10,000 for those “guilty” of deadnaming - that is, using the trans person's repudiated name - and misgendering - that is, using a person's naturally related sex and pronouns instead of those claimed by the trans person.

The Die Welt interviewed both the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Family Affairs who confirmed that the punishability of misgendering will only be for cases where away was harm. But it is likely that trans activists will go hard on litigation: in a woke world, isn't the perception of harm the harm itself?

Biden administration more extreme than WPATH

In May, the Machiavelli had devoted several articles to the WPATH Files affair and how activism had disguised itself as science regarding transitions and non-binarism in minors. But there is one front where even WPATH activists have appeared to be moderates compared to the Biden administration, that of surgical transition of minors, a series of irreversible operations, such as amputation of breasts or removal of the uterus and testicles, replacement of the penis with a cavity that imitates a vagina and needs continuous mechanical dilatation in order not to heal, etc.

Showing more extremism than WPATH are the entourage members of Admiral Rachel Levine, “Woman of the Year” 2022 for USA Today. Records of a trial in Alabama showed that it was individuals on Levine's staff who were pressuring WPATH to take an even more radical turn in its guidelines. Specifically, the female-clad admiral's staffers allegedly insisted early in his term that the WPATH eliminate any lower age limit for access to genital surgery-which indeed happened in 2022. In Italy only the Feminist Post is reporting the news.

Elon Musk against the transition of minors

And in the meantime, America is becoming increasingly polarized in a real cultural civil war. From California the news that ultra-woke Governor Gavin Newsom has passed a law that essentially prohibits schools from disclosing information about pupils' gender identity or expression to third parties (including parents). Such information may only be disclosed to parents with the child's permission. In essence, a school must conceal from parents any actions of their children in the direction of “gender transition.”

It counterbalances the news that Elon Musk has decided to move the Space X headquarters from California to Texas. Among the reasons is the billionaire's abhorrence of trans ideology. In fact, Musk has in recent days returned to the issue of child transitions, recounting his own views on the transitioned child. In an interview with Jordan Peterson for the Daily Wire Musk used harsh words to blame the fate of his 20-year-old son, who now claims to be a female and has also repudiated his father's last name: “I essentially lost my son,” Musk said, adding that his son is “dead, killed by the woke mind virus.” Musk explained how he had been persuaded to sign to authorize the transition of his son, then 16 years old, with the threat of his possible suicide if he did not go along with a transition.

“Suicide risk” is one of the crucial elements of the debate regarding the need to pander to transitions and gender non-binarism. In fact, the “suicide threat” would seem to be much more of a narrative than a statistically established fact (while the incidence of suicide among the “transitioned” remains very high). Musk's statement helped bring to the general public a debate that has been going on for months. We refer for a more in-depth look at the suicide narrative to an article by the charity Sex Matters founded by researcher Maya Forstater. Forstater is famous for her lawsuit against Centre for Global Development Europe that did not renew her contract for her gender-critical positions similar to those of J. K. Rowling (“trans women are not women”).

Germania: ora anche l'ovest guarda a destra
Decolonizing those colonialists from Socrates and Aristotle

In 2017 at London University 's School of African and Oriental Studies there was a debate to “decolonize” philosophical studies. One will say, it is a faculty of Oriental and African Studies, free to approach the topic as they see fit. Actually after years of work, SOAS has produced a guide for colleges and universities whose mechanism for “decolonizing” philosophical studies consists of the Descartes, Russell, Moore of the “traditional-cum-colonial,” in a context of “white fragility” and “Western colonial ideology.” Of the classics program, only Plato remains. Socrates and Aristotle, thrown out of the window.

Virginia Woolf – Sic transit gloria mundi

Virginia Woolf is a writer generically appreciated in the queer world for her famous novel Orlando. But as we know, in the fantasy world of wokeshit no one is safe, not even rainbow standard-bearers. Indeed, Woolf was still a white writer who was a child of the British elite, very serious faults. Reason why the Camden London Borough Council decided to introduce in the QR code that appears on the local statue of Virginia Woolf information about how

Her diaries and letters also present challenging, offensive comments and descriptions of race, class and ability which we would find unacceptable today” .

Not forgetting to the fact that Woolf became blackface for the famous “Dreadnought Hoax” in which Woolf and her Bloomsbury friends disguised themselves as Abyssinian royalty by dyeing their faces black.

Even the QR code related to the statue of Bertrand Russell - a left-wing thinker, but still a man, English and white - now informs how he had imperialist and racist views at the beginning of his career, but is granted that he later changed his mind.

Imperial England? Literally like Nazi Germany

Saying this is not some nostalgic and somewhat green-eyes pro-Axis revisionists, but The Key, an ultra-Wokeist British school business support company. The Key has released new guidelines for achieving a “truly anti-racist” school curriculum. To get the coveted definition one has to tread lightly on the racism of figures like Churchill and the fact that the British Empire committed atrocities. Most importantly, as the Telegraph's reports:

teach colonialism as ‘invading and exploiting’ other countries, and present the British Empire as you would other global powers that committed atrocities, e.g. Nazi Germany”.

Literally Hitler, as in a Cambridge conference a few years ago. As evidence that wokeism causes serious disassociation from reality, the fact that among the figures instead to be reevaluated in a multicultural key, according to “decolonial” guidelines, would also include the oba, the kings of Benin who enriched themselves and contributed to the slave trade, in much the same way as all Gulf of Guinea rulers, by selling their “surplus” males to European merchants.

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Editor of the Centro Studi Machiavelli “Belfablog,” Emanuele Mastrangelo is editor-in-chief of “CulturaIdentità” and has been editor-in-chief of “Storia in Rete” since 2006. A military-historical cartographer, he is the author of several books (with Enrico Petrucci, Iconoclastia. La pazzia contagiosa della cancel culture che sta distruggendo la nostra storia e Wikipedia. L'enciclopedia libera e l'egemonia dell'informazione).

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An essayist and popularizer, his publications include "Alessandro Blasetti. The forgotten father of Italian cinema" (Idrovolante, 2023). And with Emanuele Mastrangelo "Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia and the Hegemony of Information" (Bietti, 2013) and "Iconoclasm. The contagious insanity of the cancel culture that is destroying our history" (Eclectica, 2020).