Circa Daniele Scalea

Fondatore e Presidente del Centro Studi Machiavelli. Laureato in Scienze storiche (Università degli Studi di Milano) e Dottore di ricerca in Studi politici (Università Sapienza), è docente di "Storia e dottrina del jihadismo" presso l'Università Marconi e di "Geopolitica del Medio Oriente" presso l'Università Cusano, dove in passato ha insegnato anche in merito all'estremismo islamico. Dal 2018 al 2019 è stato Consigliere speciale su immigrazione e terrorismo del Sottosegretario agli Affari Esteri Guglielmo Picchi; successivamente ha svolto il ruolo di capo della segreteria tecnica del Presidente della Delegazione parlamentare presso l'InCE (Iniziativa Centro-Europea). Autore di vari libri, tra cui Immigrazione: le ragioni dei populisti, che è stato tradotto anche in ungherese.
2 Nov 2022

Environmentalist fanaticism and the crusade against nuclear power: Michael Shellenberger's opinion

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-11-02T13:38:19+01:002 November 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Human advancement came about through the transition from lower to higher energy density sources: from wood to coal and then to oil and gas. The next step would be nuclear power, but ideological opposition from environmentalists has taken over.

20 Oct 2022

Lenin was a bloodthirsty dictator. As much and more than Mussolini

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-10-20T15:23:01+02:0020 October 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , |5 Commenti

Lenin was a ruthless and bloodthirsty dictator. Everything that can be blamed on Mussolini can also be blamed on him. Those who defend Lenin today either exhibit abysmal ignorance or are apologists for vast and heinous crimes and should be treated as such.

6 Oct 2022

Children entrusted to pro-pedophiles? Two scandals shake up LGBT activism

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-10-06T11:11:17+02:006 October 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , , |1 Commento

Two news reports in recent hours bring to the forefront the issue of the ongoing attempt to "normalize" pedophilia.

26 Sep 2022

The Right-Center's historic success

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-09-26T12:55:35+02:0026 September 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Giorgia Meloni will be the next head of the Italian government. The first woman, certainly, but also the first right-wing person, without "center-" prefixes, in Republican history. She will have a great historical responsibility and not an easy task.

1 Aug 2022

But does the left give a damn when it's an Italian dying?

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-08-01T15:27:09+02:001 August 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Sicurezza|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

The murder of Alika Ogorchukwu has turned from a news story to a political polemic in the election campaign. Controversy that could, however, be turned back on those who initiated it. What did progressives do when, in the past, it was the immigrant who killed the Italian for trivial reasons?

21 Jul 2022

Draghi: the downfall

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-07-21T13:16:59+02:0021 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , , |1 Commento

Draghi did everything he could not to remain head of the government. Either he was granted full powers - to him and, through him, to Letta and Mattarella, i.e., the PD - or it was a no. No it was.

14 Jul 2022

Opening of the Machiavelli 2022 Defense Conference (DANIELE SCALEA)

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-07-14T13:54:48+02:0014 July 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

The choice to strengthen Italy's military is necessary if the country is to play a leading role in international politics. Factual reality has demolished the irenistic "end of history" view.

6 Jul 2022

Our Pride

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-07-06T15:36:23+02:006 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Let progressives carry out their Pride Month. Which is also a choice of moderation, tolerance and liberal spirit. But counterpose it with our own Pride Month. Certainly not pride in the new fluid and uprooted (trans)human type, but on the contrary pride in our roots.

29 Jun 2022

"Prometheica": the new magazine of the "progressive" Right

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-06-29T15:09:49+02:0029 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

At a time when it is conservatism that is in vogue on the right, and strong is the criticism of the elite's transhumanist ideology, there are those who have decided to go against the tide: these are the founders of a new magazine, "Prometheica," which reevaluates technology and makes a "superhumanist" proposal.

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