Circa Giovanni Giacalone

Researcher of Centro Studi Politici e Strategici Machiavelli. Graduated in Sociology (University of Bologna), Master in "Islamic Studies" (Trinity Saint David University of Wales), specialization in "Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism" (International Counter-Terrorism Institute of Herzliya, Israel). He is senior analyst for the British Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism-ITCT, theItalian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues and Managing Emergencies (Catholic University of Milan) and the Kedisa-Center for International Strategic Analysis. Lecturer for security managerlaw enforcement and post-degree courses, he has been coordinator for Italy of the European project Globsec. “From criminals to terrorists and back” and is co-founder of Sec-Ter- Security and Terrorism Observation and Analysis Group.
22 Aug 2022

Two days of ordinary madness (and delinquency) in a failed leftist-run Milan

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-08-22T14:17:38+02:0022 August 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Sicurezza|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Milan is now in disarray, and the facts speak for themselves: between Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12, as many as five assaults with robbery intent and one averted massacre on the A1.

25 Jun 2022

The interview with GIOVANNI GIACALONE

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-06-25T13:10:52+02:0025 June 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

The events in Peschiera del Garda are just the latest episode in a phenomenon that is growing exponentially in our country: that of crime involving even the very young, often of foreign origin, who are increasingly the protagonists of maxi brawls, assaults and vandalism.

27 May 2022

Xinjiang Files: insights from China's gulags

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-05-27T10:25:38+02:0027 May 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Tens of thousands of files obtained by a hacker who took them from Xinjiang police computer systems, dubbed "Xinjiang files." They show images from the inside.

1 Apr 2022

Milan is looking more and more like Charles Bronson's New York

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-04-01T15:19:40+02:001 April 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Sicurezza|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

The Machiavelli has just published a report examining the violence of New Year's Eve and a series of assaults and robberies that occurred between mid-January and early February, but in the meantime the situation in Milan has worsened.

30 Mar 2022

TAHARRUSH JAMA'I. A New Threat to Women in Italy

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-03-30T12:28:23+02:0030 March 2022|Categorie: Dossier|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

In Dossier n. 36 Giovanni Giacalone starts from the events that took place in Milan on New Year's Eve to describe the spread in Italy of a disturbing phenomenon imported from North Africa.

1 Mar 2022

China and Taiwan are closely watching what happens in the West....

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-03-01T15:41:06+01:001 March 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

The situation between China and Taiwan certainly remains tense despite the fact that the context is quite different from the Ukrainian one. Both Asian countries are well aware of potential developments in Europe. In the meantime, the media-propaganda war is already underway and it is to be hoped that it will not go beyond that.

11 Feb 2022

Killed the "Caliph without a Caliphate". What ISIS will do now

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2022-02-11T11:11:49+01:0011 February 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Sicurezza|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

The death of Isis leader Abu Ibrahim al-Qurashi last February in the Idlib area opens a series of questions about the future of Isis and more generally about jihadist activity and its supporters.

13 Dec 2021

Bomba alla Sinagoga di Roma, 1982: il Governo sapeva ma lasciò fare?

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2021-12-13T15:50:39+01:0013 December 2021|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Sicurezza|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Nuovi documenti, recentissimamente pubblicati dal "Riformista", sull’attentato del 9 ottobre 1982 alla Grande Sinagoga di Roma, stanno creando serio imbarazzo istituzionale.

29 Nov 2021

La Cina fa propaganda in Italia tramite le scuole — Giovanni Giacalone a La Verità

Di Giovanni Giacalone|2021-12-01T13:20:52+01:0029 November 2021|Categorie: Media|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Giovanni Giacalone, Ricercatore del Centro Studi Machiavelli, è stato intervistato da "La Verità" a proposito dell'attivismo cinese nell'insegnamento in Italia. Giacalone ha illustrato come la Cina comunista stia utilizzando l'insegnamento della lingua e della cultura cinesi come veicolo di propaganda.

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