Circa Rodrigo Ballester

Director of the Center for European Studies at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) in Budapest. He has several years of experience at the European Commission and the European Parliament. A graduate in Legal Studies (College of Europe, Bruges), he is an invited professor at Sciences Po Paris.
20 Dec 2022

Hungary, Europe's sentinel

Di Rodrigo Ballester|2022-12-20T18:48:46+01:0020 December 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

In an age of confusion and cacophony, Hungary's voice remains that of the sentinel, watching and warning. Orbán watches the world with the clarity of his ancestors, takes on the thankless role of perceiving existential threats in times of amnesia, and makes accurate diagnoses when others indulge in moral posturing.

1 Dec 2021

The EU must give a role to national constitutional courts

Di Rodrigo Ballester|2021-12-01T13:48:46+01:001 December 2021|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Il problema della preminenza delle leggi UE o delle costituzioni nazionali è annoso e predata di decenni il recente pronunciamento dell'alta corte polacca. Una possibile soluzione sarebbe quella di riconoscere un ruolo alle corti costituzionali degli Stati membri.

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