Circa Centro Studi Machiavelli

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So far Centro Studi Machiavelli has created 458 blog entries.
16 Apr 2022

Europe and USA facing the Russian-Ukrainian war

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-04-16T14:16:22+02:0016 April 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , , , , , , |1 Commento

Three experts renowned internationally discussed for Centro Studi Machiavelli how the Russian-Ukrainian war will proceed and what the consequences will be for Europe and America.

16 Apr 2022

NATO and Europe facing the Russian-Ukrainian War

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-04-16T13:30:14+02:0016 April 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The war between Russia and Ukraine has imposed a difficult challenge on NATO and Europe. In particular, our continent risks to come out destabilized, between war at the gates, wave of refugees and socio-economic repercussions of sanctions. What are the scenarios for the near future and how should NATO and European countries deal with them?

12 Apr 2022

SATIRE ON THE RIGHT. From "Candido" to the digital natives

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-04-12T10:49:26+02:0012 April 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Although in the mainstream discourse satire (at least the "good" kind) is always and only of the left, there is also a long tradition on the right. From the experience of "Candido" and Giovannino Guareschi to the digital cartoonists, passing through "LiberoVeleno", we retrace this tradition and question ourselves on the weight that satire and memes have today in the "battle of ideas". (IN ITALIAN)

3 Apr 2022

WIND ENERGY IN TUSCANY. New projects and perspectives

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-04-03T08:38:36+02:003 April 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

With the cost of energy becoming more and more onerous, it is necessary to look without prejudice at the development of new plants, starting with those from renewable sources. In Tuscany there are already several wind farms and other projects are in progress (such as the one that concerns Mugello).

1 Mar 2022

Ideologia gender di Stato

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-03-01T11:46:48+01:001 March 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

I sostenitori dell’ideologia gender si preparano a tornare alla carica, dopo il fallimento del Ddl Zan. Questo perché il concetto di “identità di genere” ha un’importanza cardinale nei progetti della Sinistra, come analizzato nel report "Transfemminismo istituzionalizzato. Prepararsi alle prossime mosse dopo il Ddl Zan" di Francesco Erario.

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