The blog of the Centro Studi Machiavelli

BlogMachiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies2020-12-30T11:04:57+01:00
30Oct 2023

Between Israel and Iran, escalation is just around the corner

by Vittorio Maccarrone|tag = , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The policies of Israel and Iran are rapidly precipitating the situation. An escalation between the two regional powers seems just around the corner, with Iran attempting to break the encirclement and Israel on the offensive against Iranian proxies.

25Oct 2023

Between Hamas and Israel it is war (also) in the cryptoverse

by Elham Makdoum|tag = , , , , |0 Commenti

Hamas' surprise war would hardly have been possible without cryptocurrencies. Indeed, over the past two years, Hamas has rebuilt its arsenal by collecting, speculating, mining and robbing in the cryptoverse.

25Oct 2023

Israel-Palestine: is it still worth talking about "two peoples, two states"?

by Salvatore Murtas|tag = , , , , , , |4 Commenti

On the eighteenth day of violence between Israel and Hamas, the daily record cannot and should not distract the attentive reader from a single conclusion: moderate Palestinians who accept Israel's existence have been definitively defeated by Hamas terrorism, and coexistence between Israel and Palestine appears more of a mirage than ever.

19Oct 2023

The Centro Studi Machiavelli Announces New International Agreements

by Centro Studi Machiavelli|tag = , , , , , |0 Commenti

The Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies, now in its sixth year of operation, announced in recent days a series of agreements with similar high-profile foreign institutions in the U.S. and Hungary.

18Oct 2023

The Populists Are Right on Migration. Scalea's book translated in Hungarian

by Alapjogokert Kozpont|tag = , , , , , |0 Commenti

Daniele Scalea's book "Immigration, the reasons of the populists" translated in Hungarian by the Center for Fundamental Rights. A sign of the close ties with Budapest in building an increasingly active network of conservative think tanks.

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