The blog of the Centro Studi Machiavelli

BlogMachiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies2020-12-30T11:04:57+01:00
6Jul 2024

Woke madness in Germany: woman who insults foreign rapist gets more jail time than him

by Marco Malaguti|tag = , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In Germany, a girl was sentenced to prison for expressing "hate" online toward a group of rapists. Who are instead on the loose or have had very light sentences....

4Jul 2024

The time has come for a "Marco Polo Plan" for Central Asia

by Emanuel Pietrobon|tag = , , , , , , , , |1 Commento

Crossroads of the main intracontinental trade routes linking the two shores of Eurasia, home to immense deposits of strategic natural resources, a young and rising market where so much is the desire for Made in Italy, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan in particular, should become one of the priorities of Italian foreign policy.

28Jun 2024

Woke weekly bullettin #15

by Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , , , |0 Commenti

Straight pride? Fired! Are you male? You can get tested for uterine cancer. No Dante for the New Italians. Rome's subway sucks, but at least it's rainbow. No one dare say "terrorist" to ISIS. Let's decolonize the history of Wales, with its dirty miners who supplied coal to British imperialism!

19Jun 2024

Cultists of permanent emergency and the dystopia of "zero risk"

by Gianmaria Pisanelli|tag = , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Technical means now enable an omnipervasive control society. That gets its way with the rhetoric of "zero risk," terrorizing people and pushing them to accept increasingly insidious restrictions on their freedoms.

13Jun 2024

Challenges and opportunities for Leonardo's M-346 fighter trainer

by Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , |0 Commenti

Leonardo's M-346 trainer has great opportunities to be acquired by several air forces, in tandem with the F35. Its success will also measure Europe's willingness to move forward on a coordinated plan or to continue to go in short order.

12Jun 2024

"Positive Discrimination". Brief guide to an unnecessary and malicious flop

by Marco Malaguti|tag = , , , , , |0 Commenti

The rhetoric of equality by any means carried on in the U.S. is collapsing many centers of excellence. Yet in Italy we still struggle to abandon the tools of “positive discrimination,” such as the policy of “quotas”

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