The blog of the Centro Studi Machiavelli

BlogMachiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies2020-12-30T11:04:57+01:00
6May 2024

Woke weekly bullettin #12

by Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In Scotland Yousaf resigns, but for too little wokeism; don't listen to loud audiobooks, they may be offensive! Who's behind the activists (yes, exactly: conspiracy!); being fat is not bad for you, and if you support it, you're a fatphobe.

23Apr 2024

School of weakness. The liberal campaign against grades

by Marco Malaguti|tag = , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The restoration of school judgments has prompted the left to petition for their abolition in the name of a future in which everything is evaluated except the individual in his relationship with society, because weakness is a value.

20Apr 2024

Woke weekly bullettin #10

by Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Instant karma for the Scottish regime; if insensitive bones presume cavemen's gender; boobs on display; Christians don't have to rebel even if they stab them; change of season, change of gender; cultivate weeds, cut down trees.

18Apr 2024

Meet the Turkish-Belgian mayor who sought to prevent the NatConTalk

by Emanuele Mastrangelo|tag = , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

First the social centers and Antifa, then Turkish Mayor Kir's police. Thus an attempt was made to prevent the National Conservative Conference near Brussels. An attempt that has an undercurrent: to boycott those who want to prevent Islamization and ethnic replacement in Europe.

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