The blog of the Centro Studi Machiavelli

BlogMachiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies2020-12-30T11:04:57+01:00
17Apr 2024

The “Verona rapprochement”. A post-Picchi consensus? The twirls of Italian foreign policy towards China

by Corrado Borghi|tag = , , , , , , , |1 Commento

The end of the unipolar order puts Italy in front of the need for a more pragmatic foreign policy toward China, also to deal with its own domestic structural problems.

16Apr 2024

Five thoughts by Vannacci from “Courage wins”

by Centro Studi Machiavelli|tag = , |2 Commenti

“Courage Wins” is not merely a biographical account. Throughout the book, Vannacci has sprinkled brief reflections. These are often concise statements or developed in a few sentences, but they stand out within the work for their clarity. We’ve selected some of these reflections from the book. Here they are.

16Apr 2024

Missiles, drones and ... bitcoin. Behind the scenes of the Iranian attack

by Emanuel Pietrobon e Elham Makdoum|tag = , , , , , , , |1 Commento

Iran's retaliation for the Israeli attack on its Damascus consulate was (perhaps) concerted, but Tehran left itself leeway in the cryptoverse. And it has shown that Tel Aviv is no longer inviolable.

13Apr 2024

Woke weekly bullettin #9

by Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Scotland: Thinkpol bill backfires on Inner Party; despite WPATH scandal someone insists; why limit ourselves to "sex change" when with surgery we can make modern sculptures? Milan, alias careers to Region employees; let's decolonize the dodo!

6Apr 2024

Woke weekly bullettin #8

by Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|tag = , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Here comes the Universitess of Trento, Catechism outlawed in France, Trans visibility day, best wishes to all but only English speakers, free castration for Starbucks workers, Rowling VS Scottish woke regime, 1 to 0.

5Apr 2024

An analysis of the discontent of the today's middle classes

by Loris Puccio Conti|tag = , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

No longer comparable to the bourgeoisie of centuries past, the middle classes are being crushed by the oligarchs but incapable of expressing a revolutionary alternative that would halt the collapse toward which Western society is running.

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