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THE INTERVIEW with Daniele Scalea

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Silvia Roberto hosts a new format for the Centro Studi Machiavelli. The first interviewee is the President of the Center, Daniele Scalea, who talks about the state of the Italian Right and the role of the Machiavelli. (IN ITALIAN)

THE INTERVIEW with Stefano Graziosi

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The focus of the discussion is the United States of America and the latest insights from the Republican and Democratic political circles. From the conflict in Ukraine to the strategic decisions implemented by President Biden. And again the midterm elections and the migration issue. Not forgetting the Twitter-Musk affair.

THE INTERVIEW with Lorenzo Castellani

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Two years of pandemic emergency have touched fundamental principles of our daily life. Restrictions, precautions, regulations, leaving us suspended between reduced spaces and forced moves, between following doubts or becoming accustomed to obedience. The concept of freedom itself has been put in check by pressures, fears, questions and fears.

THE INTERVIEW with Luigi Di Gregorio

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Do we really know the purest meaning of the term "political communication"? What does it mean to do political communication today? And how have social media changed the way politicians communicate? How much do polls matter and what influence do they have on how citizens vote?

THE INTERVIEW with Alberto Aimi

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How much do we know about the referendum on the judiciary to which Italians will be called on Sunday, June 12? What are the questions and how will it change Italians' daily lives? What power will judicial factions have in the new system? Above all, why the deafening silence on an issue that is instead so important?

The interview with GIOVANNI GIACALONE

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I fatti di Peschiera del Garda sono solo l’ultimo episodio di un fenomeno che sta crescendo in maniera esponenziale nel nostro Paese: quello della criminalità che vede coinvolti anche i giovanissimi, spesso d'origine straniera, protagonisti sempre più spesso di maxi risse, aggressioni e atti vandalici.

The interview with ALESSANDRO AMADORI

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What do the parties need to learn from the recently concluded Italian local elections? Can these be considered a mirror of upcoming general elections? Why are parties no longer able to achieve high numbers of popular support, and what do they need to do to turn the tide? Alliances, election campaigns and candidate choice.

The interview with PIETRO DE LEO

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In the new episode of "The Interview," SILVIA ROBERTO meets PIETRO DE LEO, journalist for "Il Tempo," to take stock of the situation and understand what the possible scenarios are between now and Wednesday and on a possible post-Draghi scenario.

FACTS&JURISPRUDENCE - Stalking and Femicide

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The new show "The Interview - Between Facts & Jurisprudence" kicks off. SILVIA ROBERTO and ALBERTO AIMI will take a journey into the legal world to understand the workings of the Italian judicial machine. The focus of the first episode is stalking and femicide.