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DRAGHI: sì o no?

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Il Presidente Mattarella ha incaricato Mario Draghi di formare un nuovo governo. Per il Centro-Destra è un'occasione, dopo il collasso dell'alleanza giallo-rossa, oppure siamo di fronte a un nuovo pernicioso governo tecnico in stile Monti?

A REPUBLICAN PARTY FOR ITALY? The single party and primaries scenario for the Center-Right

Sala Salvadori della Camera dei Deputati Via Uffici del Vicario 21, Roma, Italia

In a phase in which the unity of the Center-Right appears weakened, the proposal has been raised to take action with a radical measure: imitate the American model and create a large unitary party, capable of bringing together moderates, conservatives and sovereignists in a common house. Importing, again from the U.S., the system of primaries, which would ensure internal pluralism and turnover of elites. 

THE INTERVIEW with Daniele Scalea

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Silvia Roberto hosts a new format for the Centro Studi Machiavelli. The first interviewee is the President of the Center, Daniele Scalea, who talks about the state of the Italian Right and the role of the Machiavelli. (IN ITALIAN)