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Riforma e referendum: si raddrizzerà la Giustizia? [VL 9]

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Lo scandalo Palamaragate, che coinvolge correnti della magistratura e CSM, assieme alla cronica inefficienza della Giustizia italiana, ha reso ineluttabile un tentativo di riforma. La ministra Cartabia ha presentato le sue proposte, mentre la Lega assieme ai radicali ha depositato sei quesiti per sottoporli a referendum.

THE INTERVIEW with Alberto Aimi

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How much do we know about the referendum on the judiciary to which Italians will be called on Sunday, June 12? What are the questions and how will it change Italians' daily lives? What power will judicial factions have in the new system? Above all, why the deafening silence on an issue that is instead so important?

FACTS&JURISPRUDENCE - Stalking and Femicide

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The new show "The Interview - Between Facts & Jurisprudence" kicks off. SILVIA ROBERTO and ALBERTO AIMI will take a journey into the legal world to understand the workings of the Italian judicial machine. The focus of the first episode is stalking and femicide.