2 Aug 2022

Reimagining the Army - focusing on the human factor

Di Antonio Li Gobbi|2022-08-02T14:34:51+02:002 August 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Technology, without the man who knows and is motivated to employ it, is useless. You can acquire the most sophisticated warfare technologies, but if you do not have the proper personnel, it is money wasted. The human factor is more essential than ever in the Army, where the combatant himself becomes a weapon system.

25 Jul 2022

No European army would withstand a conflict like the Russian-Ukrainian one

Di Gianandrea Gaiani|2022-07-25T14:24:35+02:0025 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

For months there has been debate in Europe around the shortcomings that have emerged in the Russian military apparatus. But no European and perhaps Western armed forces today would seem capable of sustaining such a conventional conflict militarily or even politically and socially.

15 Jul 2022

The Armed Forces to come, for a strong and respected Italy

Di Stefania Pucciarelli|2022-07-15T10:51:10+02:0015 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Sovereignty protection; system-building capabilities; energy strategies consistent with its economic complexes; integration between defense and foreign policy systems. These are just the main examples with respect to the challenges to be faced head-on in the near future.

7 Jul 2022

NATO releases the new Strategic Concept. What changes now

Di Giuseppe Morabito|2022-07-07T11:48:47+02:007 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

NATO's new Strategic Concept is clear, concise and thoughtful. But what was decided in Madrid requires that a good proportion of the NATO countries' forces, including that of Italy, be potentially ready and able to intervene. And to do so requires adequate training, means and funds. 

4 Jul 2022

The Machiavelli 2022 Defense Conference: the official program

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-07-04T15:00:02+02:004 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

A new event format is unveiled. The general outline, for this first Defense Conference, will be the increase in military spending: the achievement of 2 percent of GDP, which has been demanded for years at the NATO level, must take place (according to the government and parliament) by 2028.

15 Jun 2022

Italy is free only with a military deterrence capability

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-06-15T14:40:31+02:0015 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

Part of managing a crisis is preventing a conflict through political strategies of deterrence aimed at containing the confrontation itself. Only with this capability can Italy consider itself a free, independent, true nation.

14 Jun 2022

Would China be able to conquer Taiwan?

Di Fabio Bozzo|2022-06-14T12:47:36+02:0014 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

Putin's invasion of Ukraine, among the dozens of geopolitical consequences it generated, also prompted a spontaneous question: what if China, taking advantage of the West's distraction, attempted a snap invasion of Taiwan in order to crown its 70-year dream of Marxist conquest of the "rebellious" island?

13 Jun 2022

NATO is preparing its new Strategic Concept. Here's what it will look like

Di Giuseppe Morabito|2022-06-13T11:43:02+02:0013 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

In the more than 100 days since President Putin launched the invasion, NATO countries have had a clear indicator of the Russian armed forces' capabilities, and at the end of June, at the Alliance summit in Madrid, the NATO Strategic Concept for 2022 will be consequently agreed upon.

8 Jun 2022

Military police forces: lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian war

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-06-08T10:26:55+02:008 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Lessons learned from Ukraine for operations conducted by the Italian Armed Forces in an international theater of operations: the tasks that the Carabinieri Corps upholds for local security become essential.

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