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The U.S.-Italian alliance has proven to be strong over the decades, regardless of the governments temporarily in power in Washington and Rome. However, these years have seen both the widening of differences between Democrats and Republicans in America and the stirring of a heated and at times bitter debate about the future of NATO. With just a few weeks to go before the crucial U.S. elections, which will determine the next president and which party will have a majority in Congress, Italian and American experts gather in Rome to analyze the situation and imagine upcoming scenarios.

The event is co-hosted by the Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies, the Heritage Foundation and Nazione Futura, in collaboration with the Foreign Department of Lega Salvini Premier. It will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 9:30 a.m., at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, specifically at the Salvadori Room of the Parliamentary Groups Building, located at Via Uffici del Vicario 21.

English is the working language.

Registration is required to attend (click to fill out the form otherwise send us an e-mail).


programma del convegno "strategic partnership. italy and the us after the november elections", 17 ottobre 2024, camera dei deputati, roma
programma del convegno "strategic partnership. italy and the us after the november elections", 17 ottobre 2024, camera dei deputati, roma


9:00-9:30 a.m.: Registration of attendees

9.30-9.45: Introductory remarks

Paolo Formentini - MP for Lega Salvini Premier, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Chamber of Deputies
Daniele Scalea - President of the Machiavelli Center
Enrico Ellero – Nazione Futura

9.45-10.45: Panel 1: Harris or Trump? Foreign policy scenarios

Kaush Arha - President of the Indo-Pacific Forum
Adrian Zuckerman - Former US Ambassador to Romania

10.45-11.45: Panel 2: The future of Italy-USA partnership

James Carafano - Senior Counselor to the President, Heritage Foundation
Marco Dreosto - Senator for Lega Salvini Premier
Antonio Giordano - MP for Fratelli d'Italia
* Andrea Orsini - MP for Forza Italia, Vice-Chairman of the Italian Delegation to NATO-PA

11.45-12.00: Q&A

Moderator: Paolo Bozzacchi (The Watcher Post)

* to be confirmed