19 Apr 2023

Israel: political situation after clash over judicial reform

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-04-19T15:37:18+02:0019 April 2023|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Theme of the second meeting is the political situation in Israel after the bitter clash over judicial reform attempted, and currently postponed, by the Netanyahu government. Chief guest is Yifa Segal, managing director of the NGO "Hetz for Israel."

1 Feb 2023

Minister Nordio: go on about wiretapping

Di Jacopo Ugolini|2023-02-01T14:33:13+01:001 February 2023|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

After Justice Minister Carlo Nordio's speech in the Chamber, an almost unnecessary fuss was raised. But some of the shouting and screaming is nothing but positive testimony to the work this government is doing.

18 Sep 2022

FACTS&JURISPRUDENCE - Stalking and Femicide

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-09-18T20:40:21+02:0018 September 2022|Categorie: , |Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

The new show "The Interview - Between Facts & Jurisprudence" kicks off. SILVIA ROBERTO and ALBERTO AIMI will take a journey into the legal world to understand the workings of the Italian judicial machine. The focus of the first episode is stalking and femicide.

13 Jun 2022

Referendums on judiciary failed. The parties' faults, the voters' faults, and a reflection on quorum

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-06-13T14:14:10+02:0013 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

The five referendums on judiciary failed. The quorum goal of 50 percent remained far off: in fact, the turnout stopped at 21 percent.

13 Jun 2022

The interview with ALBERTO AIMI

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-06-13T11:46:23+02:0013 June 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

How much do we know about the referendum on the judiciary to which Italians will be called on Sunday, June 12? What are the questions and how will it change Italians' daily lives? What power will judicial factions have in the new system? Above all, why the deafening silence on an issue that is instead so important?

9 Jun 2022

THE INTERVIEW with Alberto Aimi

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-06-09T10:41:02+02:009 June 2022|Categorie: |Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

How much do we know about the referendum on the judiciary to which Italians will be called on Sunday, June 12? What are the questions and how will it change Italians' daily lives? What power will judicial factions have in the new system? Above all, why the deafening silence on an issue that is instead so important?

6 Oct 2021

“Il Sistema” arriva a teatro

Di Nathan Greppi|2021-10-06T16:05:21+02:006 October 2021|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Lo spettacolo, impostato come un monologo teatrale interpretato da Edoardo Sylos Labini e scritto da Angelo Crespi, ripercorre la vita di Palamara. Attraverso la storia del magistrato si vengono a sapere molti fatti poco noti al cittadino italiano medio, oltre a rivelazioni scomode.

22 Jun 2021

La magistratura accetti il referendum

Di Silvio Pittori|2021-06-22T09:56:50+02:0022 June 2021|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

La Magistratura ha disvelato lo smarrimento ai cittadini nella sua crudezza e drammaticità negli ultimi due anni ma, nonostante ciò, alza nella sua forma associativa gli scudi contro un diritto costituzionalmente garantito rappresentato dall’istituto referendario, diritto di cui il Popolo sovrano è titolare.

11 Jun 2021

Riforma e referendum: si raddrizzerà la Giustizia? [VL 9]

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2021-06-11T14:32:36+02:0011 June 2021|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

RIFORMA E REFERENDUM: SI RADDRIZZERÀ LA GIUSTIZIA? Lo scandalo Palamaragate, che coinvolge correnti della magistratura e CSM, assieme alla cronica inefficienza della Giustizia italiana, ha reso ineluttabile un tentativo di riforma. La ministra Cartabia ha presentato le sue proposte, mentre la Lega assieme ai radicali ha depositato sei quesiti per sottoporli a referendum.

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