10 Oct 2023

ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR. Analysis and commentary

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-10-10T11:05:39+02:0010 October 2023|Categorie: |Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

On the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war, Hamas launched a surprise attack out of Gaza that stunned Israel and left hundreds dead. Now the Israeli counter-offensive is mounting.

9 Oct 2023

Israel-Hamas: a war that affects us closely

Di Daniele Scalea|2023-10-09T13:24:46+02:009 October 2023|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

It is anachronistic to view the war between Israel and Hamas as a mere local event that does not concern us or implicate us. We are no longer in the 1950s: the great migratory flows of recent decades have changed the face of Europe.

11 Jul 2023

IRAN VS ISRAEL. A New Conflict In The Making?

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-07-11T11:45:53+02:0011 July 2023|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

There have been high tensions between Israel and Iran for decades, but they are mounting further in recent months. Should we expect an upcoming escalation?

3 Jul 2023

IRAN VS ISRAEL. A New Conflict In The Making?

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-07-03T15:45:41+02:003 July 2023|Categorie: |Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

There have been high tensions between Israel and Iran for decades, but they are mounting further in recent months. Should we expect a next escalation?

19 Apr 2023

Israel: political situation after clash over judicial reform

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-04-19T15:37:18+02:0019 April 2023|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Theme of the second meeting is the political situation in Israel after the bitter clash over judicial reform attempted, and currently postponed, by the Netanyahu government. Chief guest is Yifa Segal, managing director of the NGO "Hetz for Israel."

27 Mar 2023

Surrogacy, protests in France and Israel: Bernasconi on Byoblu

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-04-13T13:54:09+02:0027 March 2023|Categorie: Media|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Our Research Fellow Lorenzo Bernasconi intervened in the March 27 episode of "The Hour of Truth," on Byoblu. The topics discussed: surrogacy, judicial reform in Israel, and protests in France.

9 Nov 2022

Israel: Netanyahu's comeback and the uncertainties of a diverse coalition

Di Fabio Bozzo|2022-11-09T15:41:21+01:009 November 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , |4 Commenti

The Israeli legislative elections on November 1, 2022 will be long remembered. Not only for the result, itself not overwhelming as we shall see, but for the sharp shift to the right of the average electorate and the likely triumphant return of Benjamin Netanyahu to the premiership.

8 Jul 2022

Israel: Bennett government comes to an end. Why, and what will happen now

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-07-08T10:58:49+02:008 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

After the government downfall, which was announced June 20 and saw right-wing premier Naftali Bennett temporarily replaced by centrist Yair Lapid, Israel will go to its fifth general election in three and a half years, scheduled for Oct. 25.

28 Apr 2022

Israel: a new Sparta?

Di Fabio Bozzo|2022-04-28T14:32:56+02:0028 April 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , |2 Commenti

Today there is a state that, with a bit of challenging hyperbole, offers some interesting analogies to ancient Sparta. This state is Israel. Let's see what these analogies are, trying to present them in a parallel chronological order.

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