3 Jul 2024

Scattered approach in the Red Sea contributes to instability

Di Irina Tsukerman|2024-07-10T19:21:06+02:003 July 2024|Categorie: Dossier|Tag: , , , , |1 Commento

I problemi che Iran, Houthi e pirati somali stanno creando negli stretti mediorientali, e quali ostacoli hanno finora impedito agli altri attori locali e a quelli occidentali di porre rimedio alla situazione.

1 Feb 2024

Houthi: attack on globalization

Di Emanuel Pietrobon|2024-02-02T19:40:48+01:001 February 2024|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |1 Commento

Anṣār Allāh's asymmetric offensive has exposed all the fragilities and contradictions of globalization. But it has also reminded, again, that the cohesion of the West is mere appearance. The interests of Russia, China, and Iran in the game for the Red Sea.

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