11 Apr 2022

"Cultural appropriation" in video games? - Nathan Greppi on Radio Libertà

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-04-12T11:00:55+02:0011 April 2022|Categorie: Media|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Nathan Greppi, a contributor to the Centro Studi Machiavelli, was interviewed by Pierluigi Pellegrin on Radio Libertà. Greppi talked about his article "Cultural appropriation" from American Indians? Two New Controversies, in which he explained how a Marvel comic book and a Sony video game were targeted for politically correct polemics.

7 Apr 2022

SATIRE ON THE RIGHT. From "Candido" to the digital natives

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-04-08T09:09:37+02:007 April 2022|Categorie: |Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Although in the dominant discourse satire (at least the "good" kind) is always and only of the left, there is also a long tradition on the right. From the experience of "Candido" and Giovannino Guareschi to the digital cartoonists, passing through "LiberoVeleno", we retrace this tradition and question ourselves on the weight that satire and memes have today in the "battle of ideas".

7 Apr 2022

"Cultural appropriation" from American Indians? Two new controversies

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-04-07T12:00:59+02:007 April 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

One of the new "sins" imposed in the public debate by the extreme third-worldist left is that of so-called "cultural appropriation": that is, when whites seem to imitate in some way the customs and traditions of non-European ethnic groups.

24 Mar 2022

No medical research funding if scientists are white males: it happens in Australia

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-03-24T11:43:01+01:0024 March 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The University of Melbourne has awarded six honorary doctorates. The awardees would have one "fault": that of being all male and white. The Snow Medical Research Foundation, one of Australia's largest non-profit organizations that funds medical research, has severed all ties with the university.

18 Mar 2022

Daily Wire: when the Right bets on movies and TV series

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-03-18T14:00:46+01:0018 March 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Although bringing balance back to Hollywood may seem like a titanic feat, there are those who are attempting to create a film industry designed for a non-Leftist audience: it's the website "The Daily Wire."

10 Mar 2022

Speaking well of police is forbidden: comic censored by Facebook and Reddit

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-03-11T13:51:41+01:0010 March 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In the era of Black Lives Matter, cops have to be portrayed as the bad guys in America. Those who disagree risk censorship, as happened to Mike Baron, a veteran of American comics.

25 Feb 2022

The great social issue of automation

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-02-25T11:33:29+01:0025 February 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Economia e Società|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

According to Acemoglu, between 50 and 70 percent of the economic disparities created between 1980 and 2016 can be traced back to having machines and algorithms perform tasks that were previously done by flesh-and-blood humans.

16 Feb 2022

China and pop culture: censorship and propaganda in movies, video games and comics

Di Nathan Greppi|2022-02-16T15:48:23+01:0016 February 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Cultura e Scienza|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

In China censorship of films, video games or comics from abroad is common. But at the same time Beijing has invested many resources in video games to increase its soft power or to strengthen its national identity.

14 Feb 2022

Countering the cancel culture

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-02-14T12:26:43+01:0014 February 2022|Categorie: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

La “cancel culture”, che abbatte statue e brucia libri per cancellare la storia e le tradizioni dell’Occidente, minaccia di attecchire anche in Italia. Bisogna affrettarsi a correre ai ripari, anche con le misure suggerite da Nathan Greppi nell'ultimo “Dossier del Machiavelli”.

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