9 Aug 2022

Immigration: how to blend Meloni's naval blockade and Salvini's security decrees

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-08-09T14:26:52+02:009 August 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Immigrazione e Demografia|Tag: , , , , , , |2 Commenti

Today "naval blockade" must translate as "naval interdiction," embedded in a more complex approach to counter human trafficking. Salvini's reproposed security decrees can be seen as complementary to the naval interdiction operation.

12 Jul 2022


Di Nicola De Felice|2022-07-12T15:46:13+02:0012 July 2022|Categorie: Dossier|Tag: , , , |1 Commento

Nel Dossier n. 37 Nicola De Felice discute le linee politico-strategica secondo cui l'Italia deve riorganizzare la propria Difesa, alla luce tanto della guerra russo-ucraina quanto del previsto aumento delle spese militari.

4 Jul 2022

The Machiavelli 2022 Defense Conference: the official program

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-07-04T15:00:02+02:004 July 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

A new event format is unveiled. The general outline, for this first Defense Conference, will be the increase in military spending: the achievement of 2 percent of GDP, which has been demanded for years at the NATO level, must take place (according to the government and parliament) by 2028.

4 Jul 2022

NGOs help human trafficking - Nicola De Felice on "La Verità "

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-07-06T09:59:15+02:004 July 2022|Categorie: Media|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Nicola De Felice, Senior Fellow at Centro Studi Machiavelli, has been interviewed by Fabio Amendolara in "La Verità" newspaper about NGOs facilitating illegal immigration.

30 Jun 2022


Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-07-14T10:33:34+02:0030 June 2022|Categorie: |Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In its first Annual Defense Conference (July 13 in Rome), the Centro Studi Machiavelli wants to promote a debate on the theme, "Increasing Military Spending. Imagining the Defense of the Future."

15 Jun 2022

Italy is free only with a military deterrence capability

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-06-15T14:40:31+02:0015 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

Part of managing a crisis is preventing a conflict through political strategies of deterrence aimed at containing the confrontation itself. Only with this capability can Italy consider itself a free, independent, true nation.

8 Jun 2022

Military police forces: lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian war

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-06-08T10:26:55+02:008 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Lessons learned from Ukraine for operations conducted by the Italian Armed Forces in an international theater of operations: the tasks that the Carabinieri Corps upholds for local security become essential.

1 Jun 2022

Air Force: which lessons from the Russian-Ukrainian war

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-06-01T13:38:21+02:001 June 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

What is needed is a flexible, versatile, highly projectable, high readiness, interoperable, and of high political value air force. The air force must pursue capabilities to train, exercise, and operate effectively in a joint force framework.

25 May 2022

What Ukraine's war can teach us about our Army

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-05-25T11:53:13+02:0025 May 2022|Categorie: Commenti e opinioni, Guerra e Difesa|Tag: , |0 Commenti

Based on the lessons learned from the current conflict, ground forces, in addition to ensuring a qualified presence in Italy in contributing to security and public order, must be able to deploy - outside the country - a force at least of Army Corps level.

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